Domestic violence thrives when we are silent; but if we take a stand and work together, we can end domestic abuse. Throughout the month of October, help to raise awareness and join efforts to end the violence. If you’re passionate about educating others about the issue of domestic violence, there are ways to get involved. A few ways are through donating, volunteering your time, or participating in projects or drives sponsored by organizations. Interested in more ways to help in your daily life and community?
In reality, anyone can be a victim of domestic violence. It is likely that someone in your neighborhood, office, or extended family is in danger right now from an abusive partner. Continue to encourage healthy relationships, and talk about what safety at home means wherever and whenever possible. You never know who you might reach and whose safety you might increase. As Domestic Violence Awareness Month comes to an end, let us all continue to do our parts to make the world safer for our friends, colleagues, neighbors, and the next generation.